غير مصنف

‘This is weird’: Experts ‘shocked’ by record-breaking longevity of Death Valley’s phantom lake

Park rangers in Death Valley are scratching their heads as to how the desert’s phantom lake has persisted for more than half a year — likely its longest lifespan in living memory. A recent rain dump also means that the puzzling pool of water, which normally dries up within weeks of appearing, could remain intact for several more months.

The ephemeral, or temporary, lake is found in the heart of Badwater Basin — a large, flat drainage basin located within the eastern border of Death Valley National Park in California. The basin is around 282 feet (86 meters) below sea level — the lowest point in North America — and is normally a dry, dusty wasteland. Most of the time, it’s covered in crystalized salt, as well as occasional puddles of toxic water that seep up from a submerged spring. But after heavy rainfall, water from the rest of the park flows into the basin and creates a shallow freshwater lake.   

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