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Scroll charred in Mount Vesuvius eruption partially deciphered, earning researchers $700,000 prize

Part of a fragile papyrus scroll carbonized nearly 2,000 years ago in Mount Vesuvius’ eruption has been virtually unrolled and almost completely deciphered with machine learning, earning the researchers responsible a $700,000 prize.

The text, written in ancient Greek, investigates pleasure from an Epicurean viewpoint, a philosophy whose ideal was pursuing pleasure in a life free from pain or fear. The virtual decipherment was accomplished by a team of three — Youssef Nader, Luke Farritor and Julian Schilliger — that recovered more than 2,000 characters, or about 5% of the scroll. They received the $700,000 prize on Monday (Feb. 5) for solving the Vesuvius Challenge.

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