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Sugar-loving fruit bats’ genes could point to new diabetes treatments, scientists say

Humans are not the only mammals that love sugar. Fruit bats do, too, eating up to twice their body weight in sugary fruit a day. However, unlike humans, fruit bats thrive on a sugar-rich diet. They can lower their blood sugar faster than bats that rely on insects as their main food source.

We are a team of biologists and bioengineers. Determining how fruit bats evolved to specialize on a high-sugar diet sent us on a quest to approach diabetes therapy from an unusual angle — one that sent us all the way to Lamanai, Belize, for the Belize Bat-a-thon, an annual gathering where researchers collect and study bats.  Diabetes, the ninth leading cause of death in 2019, can emerge when the body is unable to process sugar effectively, leading to excess glucose in the blood. 

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