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How to see the bright Andromeda Galaxy shine overhead this week

This week, with the bright moon having left our evening sky, you will have a chance to see the most distant object that can be glimpsed with the unaided eye: the Andromeda Galaxy. The remarkable deep-space object will be passing almost directly overhead between 7:30 and 8 p.m. local time. Here’s everything you need to know about our celestial neighbor.

Where to look

To find the Andromeda Galaxy, first locate the Great Square of Pegasus — a landmark of the autumn sky. Then, focus binoculars on the bright star Alpheratz, which is at the upper left corner of the Square. Then move straight across to the east (left) and get the star Mirach (in Andromeda) in your field of view. From there, move slowly up to a fairly bright star above Mirach and continue to run up in the same direction until you’ll find what appears to be a “little cloud”.

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