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غير مصنف

SpaceX rockets keep tearing blood-red ‘atmospheric holes’ in the sky, and scientists are concerned

A large streak of red light left behind when a SpaceX rocket punched a hole in the ionosphere above Arizona in July. (Image credit: Jeremy Perez)

De-orbiting SpaceX rockets are smashing temporary holes in the upper atmosphere, creating bright blobs of light in the sky. Now, scientists have warned that these “SpaceX auroras,” which look like glowing red orbs of light, could be causing unrecognized problems — though they are not a threat to the environment or life on Earth.   

Researchers have known for decades that launching rockets into space can punch holes in the upper ionosphere — the part of the atmosphere between 50 and 400 miles (80 and 644 kilometers) above Earth’s surface where gas is ionized, or stripped of electrons. These “ionospheric holes” can excite gas molecules in this part of the atmosphere and trigger vibrant streaks of red, aurora-like light. 

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