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Ancient 20-inch-long hand ax discovered in Saudi Arabia may be world’s largest

Archaeologists in Saudi Arabia have discovered what may be the world’s largest prehistoric hand ax. The stone tool measures 20.2 inches (51.3 centimeters) long and, despite its size, is easily held with two hands, according to a statement.

An international team of researchers found the basalt hand ax on the Qurh Plain, just south of AlUla, a region in northwest Saudi Arabia. Both of the hand ax’s sides have been sharpened, suggesting that it could have been employed for cutting or chopping. However, it’s still unclear how the stone tool was used and which species, for instance Homo erectus or Homo sapiens, crafted it.

The 20-inch-long hand ax on the sand dune where it was found. (Image credit: Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU))

It’s also unknown how old the tool is, as “the handaxe requires much more research to determine an accurate date,” Ömer Can Aksoy, an archaeologist and the excavation’s project director, told Live Science in an email. However, other tools found at the site may date to 200,000 years ago, according to the team’s assessment of their form and characteristics, so it’s possible that the hand ax dates also to the Lower or Middle Palaeolithic, Aksoy said.

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