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7 creatures associated with death

Crows (Corvus sp.) are highly intelligent birds commonly associated with death. (Image credit: Getty Images/Jacques Julien)

Throughout history, various animals have been associated with death. But why have certain creatures become synonymous with the end of life? Some are known for feasting on the dead, while others have a more nebulous connection to the Grim Reaper. From dragonflies to hornbills, here are seven animals that have been historically associated with death and the afterlife in different cultures.  


Southern ground hornbills (Bucorvus leadbeateri) are found solely in Africa. (Image credit: Getty Images/Beata Whitehead)

The southern ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is a carnivorous bird that hunts for small animals and insects and is found across grassland, savannah and open woodland areas.

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