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Perilous expedition to uninhabited island in South Atlantic confirms existence of world’s 8th lava lake

Saunders Island is teeming with wildlife and is home to over a million penguins. (Image credit: National Geographic/Ryan Valasek)

In 2001, NASA satellites scanning an uninhabited island near Antarctica in the South Atlantic Ocean detected a thermal anomaly that left scientists reeling. Deep inside an unexplored volcano, they detected the signature of a bubbling lake of molten rock. Only seven such lava lakes were known worldwide.

With nothing but thermal data, however, volcanologists were unable to confirm the existence of a lava lake. Two decades later, they finally did it. In a brand-new “Explorer” episode premiering Thursday (Oct. 26), filmmakers followed scientists and mountaineers as they negotiated the first ascent of Mount Michael, a volcano on Saunders Island in the South Sandwich Islands, and confirmed it contained the lake.

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