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Watch Chinese astronauts light a spherical fire in risky open-flame experiment on Tiangong space station

China’s Shenzhou 16 astronauts conducted an eye-raising experiment in space involving open flames aboard the Tiangong space station.

Astronauts Gui Haichao and Zhu Yangzhu lit a candle during a live lecture broadcast from China’s Tiangong space station on Sept. 21 to demonstrate how flames burn in microgravity. Strikingly, the flames appear nearly spherical, rather than the teardrop-shaped flames we’re familiar with back on Earth.

Lit candles on Earth produce flames shaped through buoyancy-driven convection, with hot air rising and cold air descending. That combustion convection current is weak in the microgravity environment of low Earth orbit, however. This means flames diffuse in all directions, resulting in spherical fireballs.

Astronauts Gui Haichao and Zhu Yangzhu light a candle aboard the Tiangong Space Station during a live lecture on Sept. 21, 2023. (Image credit: CCTV)

The livestreamed lecture was the fourth so-called “Tiangong classroom” hosted on China’s space station. The astronauts interacted with students in five classrooms across China, demonstrating a number of microgravity phenomena. As with previous classrooms, the astronauts demonstrated that many physical processes behave differently than they do on Earth.

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