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10 times humans messed with nature and it backfired

Introducing non-native species, such as cane toads, as a method of pest control can sometimes backfire. (Image credit: SUI CHOU/AFP via Getty Images)

Nature is a complex web that humans have barely begun to untangle. And sometimes, when we try, we just wind up making an even bigger tangle. 

From causing roofs to collapse to instigating emu wars, here are 10 times humans messed with nature and it backfired.

1. Operation Cat Drop

Airplanes sprayed powerful pesticides over Borneo amid a malaria outbreak, triggering a cascade of unforeseen events. (Image credit: Bettmann via Getty Images)

In response to a malaria outbreak in Borneo in the early 1950s, the World Health Organization (WHO) sprayed the island with a powerful insecticide called DDT. This successfully killed off the mosquitoes that carried the disease, but it also triggered a cascade of catastrophic, unforeseen events.

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