غير مصنف
2,300-year-old shell mosaic discovered in luxurious home in Rome
Archaeologists in Rome have unearthed an ornate banquet hall decorated with a brightly colored wall mosaic. The stunning room was…
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غير مصنف
Why didn’t Alexander the Great invade Rome?
Alexander the Great conquered a massive empire that stretched from the Balkans to modern-day Pakistan. But if the Macedonian king…
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غير مصنف
Ruins of ancient Roman emperor Nero’s theater unearthed in ‘exceptional’ discovery in Rome
Archaeologists in Rome think they may have found the ruins of Nero’s theater, a first-century imperial performance space that was…
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اخبار وثقافة
تارا عماد وربى زعرور يتألقان في عرض البحر الأحمر الأول لفيلم ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’
الأحد، 2022-12-04 12:21 جدة: احتلت الممثلة المصرية من الجبل الأسود تارا عماد والممثلة اللبنانية الأمريكية ربا زعرور السجادة الحمراء قبل…
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