غير مصنف
Indian giant squirrel: The ‘rainbow’ rodent that is also the world’s largest squirrel
Name: Indian giant squirrel or Malabar giant squirrel (Ratufa indica), nicknamed the rainbow squirrel Where it lives: Forests and woodlands…
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غير مصنف
Tufted ground squirrel: The Borneo rodent once believed to disembowel deer and feast on their organs
Tufted ground squirrels (Rheithrosciurus macrotis) have one of the most voluminous tails relative to body size among all mammals. (Image…
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غير مصنف
Neurons aren’t the only cells that make memories in the brain, rodent study reveals
A study found that a type of cell in blood vessels of the brain collaborates with neurons in the hippocampus,…
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