غير مصنف
How we found the northern green anaconda, a new species of the heaviest snake on Earth
The green anaconda has long been considered one of the Amazon’s most formidable and mysterious animals. Our new research upends scientific understanding of this…
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غير مصنف
Photographer snaps extremely rare ‘green flash’ coming from Venus
Venus briefly flashed a shimmering green light in the night sky above Sweden, new footage reveals. The rarely seen phenomenon…
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غير مصنف
Explosive, green ‘devil comet’ photobombs ethereal nebula as it races toward Earth
Stunning new photos show the volcanic “devil comet” zooming in front of a striking crimson nebula as it races toward…
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غير مصنف
Astronomers solve mystery of ‘Green Monster’ in famous supernova remnant (photo)
The bizarre, grinch-like wisp of green light dubbed the Green Monster, first seen last year snaking through the glowing remnants…
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غير مصنف
Astronauts on Mars may see a green sky, eerie new study suggests
Mars might be the Red Planet, but its atmosphere glows green. Using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), scientists…
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غير مصنف
See green comet Nishimura’s tail get whipped away by powerful solar storm as it slingshots around the sun
Video footage of Comet Nishimura captured by NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft. The comet’s tail disappears after the comet was battered by…
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اخبار وثقافة
Georgina Rodriguez wears green abaya for Saudi National Day
DUBAI: Georgina Rodriguez, the Argentine model and long-term partner of footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, was spotted this week shopping at the…
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غير مصنف
Green comet Nishimura survives its superheated slingshot around the sun. Will we get another chance to see it?
Comet Nishimura pictured above Zahradne in Slovakia shortly after sunset on Sept. 9, when the comet was most clearly visible.…
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غير مصنف
Green comet Nishimura will reach closest point to Earth today, and it won’t be back for another 430 years
The recently discovered Comet Nishimura pictured in the sky above Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument in Arizona on Sept. 9.…
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