قد يساعد DNA الدينيسوفان الإنسان الحديث على التكيف مع بيئات مختلفة
قد يستفيد أولئك الذين يعيشون في مرتفعات بابوا غينيا الجديدة من وجود الحمض النووي للدينيسوفان مايكل رونكل / دانيتا ديليمونت…
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البحث عن أقدم DNA يستكشف دوافع علماء الوراثة لفهم الماضي
Eske Willerslev يخرج للعمل الميداني في Ilulissat Icefjord، جرينلاند حفنة من الأفلام شركة البحث عن أقدم الحمض النووينيوبي طومسونبرنامج تلفزيوني…
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غير مصنف
Hidden DNA found in blue whales reveals they’ve been mating with other species — and their hybrid offspring
Blue whales in the Atlantic Ocean are harboring a previously unknown and potentially alarming level of hybrid DNA, a new…
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Farming began in North Africa about 7,500 years ago thanks to immigrants, DNA from Neolithic burials reveals
The Neolithic age — when agriculture and animal farming were adopted — has become one of the most widely studied…
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Oldest DNA evidence of syphilis relative discovered in 2,000-year-old skeletons in Brazil
People living on the coast of Brazil thousands of years ago carried the bacterium Treponema pallidum endemicum, a close relative…
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1st-ever ancient case of Turner syndrome, with just 1 X chromosome instead of 2, found in ancient DNA
Roughly 2,500-year-old DNA has revealed the first ancient person on record with Turner syndrome, a genetic condition in which a…
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غير مصنف
Great white shark ripped in 2 was ‘loaded’ with orca DNA, scientists say
Only the shark’s head and spine remained after orcas disemboweled it to suck out its liver. (Image credit: Ben Johnstone)…
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Baboon mummy DNA from ancient Egypt reveals location of mysterious port city not on any maps
The skull of a mummified baboon recovered from ancient Thebes (modern-day Luxor), Egypt that was connected isotopically to the region…
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غير مصنف
Denisovan DNA may increase risk of depression, schizophrenia, study suggests
Gene variants inherited from one of our closest extinct relatives, the Denisovans, may make carriers more likely to develop neuropsychiatric…
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غير مصنف
Europe’s 1st permanent residents settled in Crimea 37,000 years ago, DNA reveals
The first modern humans to take up permanent residence in Europe settled in Crimea around 37,000 years ago, according to…
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