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5 beguiling heart-shaped objects found in space

From a teddy bear on Mars to Godzilla in a gas cloud, it’s easy to see pretty much anything you want on the seemingly infinite canvas of space. And this year, on Valentine’s Day, we choose to see love.

Heart-shaped objects are plentiful across the cosmos and come from a variety of sources — from extreme events like galactic collisions to the random side effects of brightly burning stars. Here are five of our favorites.

1. Hearts collide

Pictured is the pair of galaxies cataloged as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039, known as the Antennae Galaxies. (Image credit: NASA Goddard)

The laws of attraction are a bit simpler in space than on Earth: In space, the more massive you are, the more stuff you’re likely to attract. In this photo captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, two galaxies of roughly similar size show off their mutual attraction as they slowly but spectacularly collide, twisting each other into an iconic heart shape during a protracted, gravitational tug-of-war.

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