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1st-ever white rhino IVF sparks hope that ‘doomed species’ could still be saved, despite there being no males left

For the first time, researchers have successfully used a form of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to impregnate a female white rhinoceros. This breakthrough means there is a slim chance the “doomed” northern white rhino could still be saved, despite there being no known males left alive. Other critically endangered rhino species could also benefit.

The scientists used an embryo transfer technique that’s very similar to IVF used in humans. The technique involves scientists taking the gametes, or sex cells, from a male and female rhino and combining them artificially to create an embryo — a fertilized egg that has started developing. The embryo is then transplanted into a surrogate female and, if everything goes to plan, she will become pregnant and give birth. 

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