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Watch chameleon erupt in color ‘as if uttering her last words’ in her final moments before death

In dramatic new footage, a chameleon erupts in stunning colors while in the throes of death. Using time-lapse photography, researchers captured the colorful last few hours of the reptile’s short life — and the remarkable changes that took place in that time. 

“In her last moments, her skin erupts with color, as if uttering her last words,” narrator Bumper Robinson said in the clip. 

The Labord’s chameleon (Furcifer labordi) was filmed in the Kirindy Forest in western Madagascar. This species has one of the shortest known life spans of any four-legged vertebrate, living just four to five months after hatching; they spend longer developing inside an egg (around eight to nine months) than they do outside it. 

The Labord’s chameleon (Furcifer labordi), from Madagascar, was observed in the final moments of her short life. (Image credit: PBS and BBC/Big Little Journeys)

In the new PBS series “Big Little Journeys,” filmmakers followed the female Labord’s chameleon as she laid her eggs and covered them with sand to protect them from the effects of the approaching dry season. 

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