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غير مصنف

I set out to investigate where silky sharks travel — and by chance documented a shark’s amazing power to regenerate its sabotaged fin

I made an accidental and astonishing discovery while studying the movements of sharks off the coast of Jupiter, Florida. I set out to record the migration routes of silky sharks, named for their smooth skin. Instead, in a story filled with twists and turns, I ended up documenting the rare phenomenon of a shark regenerating a dorsal fin.

Tagging, then trauma

It all started in the summer of 2022, when my team and I tagged silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) as part of my Ph.D. research. Silky sharks are commonly found in the open ocean and grow to be 10 feet long. Scientists know these sharks congregate in South Florida each summer, but where they go the rest of the year remains a mystery — one I hoped to solve.

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