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غير مصنف

Humans can ‘smell’ each other’s emotions — but we don’t know how

After a viral infection robbed Chrissi Kelly, an American archeologist living in the U.K., of her sense of smell, she no longer felt like herself. It was as if she were “floating away,” untethered from the rest of the world. Smell, she says, is something that binds us to nature and to our family, and without it, we cannot fully participate in everyday life. She missed the social part of scents: the deep joy of hugging a loved one and taking in their personal aroma. “I found living without the sense of smell profoundly disorienting,” she says.

Kelly felt so strongly about what happened to her that she started a charity called AbScent to help people with smell loss. Kelly’s perception that smell forms part of a person’s identity is now receiving confirmation from recent research findings. A 2023 study from European researchers found, for instance, that not only can we pick up the scent of other people’s fear or anxiety, but such emotions affect how we feel, too. Another study from China showed that people with better olfaction have more friends. “We see all kinds of behavioral effects,” says Shani Agron, a neurobiologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

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