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‘This is unlikely to be an isolated event’: 1st polar bear death from bird flu spells trouble for species

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) may be at risk of bird flu as sea ice shrinks, bringing them in contact with infected birds more often.   (Image credit: Craig Sellars / Getty Images)

Polar bears could be catching bird flu after feasting on bird carcasses infected with the deadly strain H5N1. The infections could add additional and potentially devastating pressure on an Arctic population already under extreme stress from climate change, experts say. 

The first case of a polar bear (Ursus maritimus) dying from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was recently recorded in Alaska. Officials with the state’s Division of Environmental Health confirmed the death in December after the carcass was found in the northernmost town of Utqiagvik in October. Experts believe the bear contracted the virus from infected birds it was scavenging on. 

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