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Human remains on private Vulcan lunar lander will ‘desecrate’ the moon, Navajo Nation says

The Peregrine lunar lander was onboard ULA’s first-ever Vulcan Centaur rocket, which launched from Florida in the early hours of Jan. 8. (Image credit: GREGG NEWTON/AFP via Getty Images)

The first-ever private lunar lander is on its way to the moon after successfully blasting off from Florida earlier today (Jan. 8). However, leaders of the Navajo Nation have criticized the launch because the lander is carrying some controversial cargo on its way to the lunar surface — human remains. 

The Peregrine Mission One lander, which was built by the Pittsburgh-based company Astrobotic Technology, was launched by United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) new Vulcan Centaur rocket, which lifted off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 2:18 a.m. The rocket will orbit Earth several times before slingshotting toward the moon, where it will repeatedly orbit Earth’s satellite before finally deploying the lander for its descent to the lunar surface on Feb. 23 . If Peregrine sticks the landing as planned, it will become the first American spacecraft to touch down on the moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

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