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10 creatures that washed up on the world’s beaches in 2023

The ocean is teeming with strange and little-seen creatures, but occasionally these enigmas from the deep wash ashore. Sometimes those strandings solve a mystery and other times they raise more questions than they answer. This year was no different, with ghoulish lightbulb-headed fish, a rotting “mermaid” and deep-dwelling pregnant sharks teeming with embryos all making appearances on beaches this year. 

Pacific footballfish (Himantolophus sagamius) usually live at depths of 2,000 to 3,300 feet (600 to 1,000 meters) in the Pacific Ocean. (Image credit: © California State Parks, all rights reserved)

A ghoulish-looking fish with prickly skin washed up on a beach in Southern California and no one knows why. 

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