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10 times animals did weird things in 2023

Animals can often be unpredictable and surprise us with their unusual behavior, but some newsworthy critters take this even further, leaving scientists and the public completely baffled.

While the weird behaviors on this list are a testament to the complex brains of our furry, finned and fork-tongued friends, there’s also a darker side to some of these acts. Humans continued to disrupt and destroy the natural world in 2023, putting many animals under pressure and causing some to act in weird ways. Here are 10 of the strangest animal behaviors documented in 2023.

Kangaroo tries to drown dog

Kangaroos perceive pet dogs as a threat because they closely resemble dingoes, one of their native predators. (Image credit: John and Tristia Lakey/Lakey Farm)

In October, a man captured a video of a kangaroo as it tried to drown his dog. Mick Moloney had to rescue his dog Hutchy from the Murray River in Victoria, Australia, after a male eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) held Hutchy’s head underwater. Moloney got Hutchy to safety but took a punch from the kangaroo for his efforts.

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