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7 extraordinary African kingdoms from ancient times to centuries ago

A statuette of the goddess Irhevbu or princess Edeleyo from the Benin Kingdom in what is now Nigeria. (Image credit: Sailko; Wikimedia Commons; (CC BY 3.0 DEED))

Many modern histories tend to focus on ancient kingdoms and empires around the Mediterranean and in the Fertile Crescent. But Western versions of history tend to overlook the many significant kingdoms in Africa. Here are seven of the most notable African kingdoms and empires, who had complex cities, trade routes, riches and cultures.

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1. The Mali Empire

A detail from the Catalan Atlas showing the Western Sahara. (Image credit: Attributed to Abraham Cresques; Wikimedia Commons; Public Domain)

The Mali Empire ruled much of West Africa starting in 1235, when a confederation of kingdoms overthrew the region’s Sosso Empire. At its height in the 14th century, the Mali Empire ruled over 400 cities in modern Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, northern Ghana, southern Mauritania, Mali, northern Burkina Faso and western Niger; only the Mongol Empire and the Inca Empire were larger at that time.

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