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Chiseled obsidian recovered from Neolithic shipwreck near Capri’s ‘Blue Grotto’

Divers from Naples, Italy have recovered a block of obsidian from the remains of what is likely a Neolithic, or New Stone Age shipwreck near the island of Capri.

The natural-glass block is about the size of a very large book and weighs almost 17.6 pounds (8 kilograms). There are visible signs of chiseling on its surface, and archaeologists think it was an obsidian “core” that would have been used to make sharp-edged flakes for cutting.

The divers, members of the Naples Police underwater unit, recovered the artifact on Monday (Nov. 20) on the seafloor at a depth of between 100 and 130 feet (30 and 40 meters) according to a translated statement from Italy’s Ministry of Culture.

Archaeologists say the underwater area will be thoroughly searched for any other artifacts or parts of the prehistoric ship that may have survived. (Image credit: Naples Superintendency for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape)

The dive took place within sight of Capri’s famous Blue Grotto — a sea cave once used for private bathing by the Roman emperor Tiberius, who had a palace on the island. The cave is now a tourist attraction that can be visited by boat, but swimming there is prohibited because authorities say the waves and tides make it too dangerous.

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