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Russia’s tallest volcano spews out 1,000-mile-long river of smoke after giant eruption, satellite images reveal

A towering plume of ash and smoke rose above the lava plumes of Klyuchevskoy on Nov. 1 and stretched for at least 1,000 miles. (Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory/Wanmei Liang and Lauren Dauphin)

Eurasia’s tallest volcano has violently erupted, throwing a 1,000-mile-long (1,600 kilometers) cloud of dust and ash into the air, new NASA satellite images show.

Klyuchevskoy, sometimes referred to as Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is an active stratovolcano in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, which is home to more than 300 other volcanos. Klyuchevskoy’s peak stands at 15,584 feet (4,750 meters) above sea level, making it taller than any other volcano in Asia or Europe, according to the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT). 

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