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غير مصنف

World’s smallest particle accelerator is 54 million times smaller than the Large Hadron Collider, and it works

The nanophotonic electron accelerator consists of a microchip that houses a tiny acceleration tube that is just millimeters long. This photo shows the device compared to a dime. (Image credit: FAU/Laser Physics, Stefanie Kraus, Julian Litzel)

Scientists recently fired up the world’s smallest particle accelerator for the first time. The tiny technological triumph, which is around the size of a small coin, could open the door to a wide range of applications, including using the teensy particle accelerators inside human patients.

The new machine, known as a nanophotonic electron accelerator (NEA), consists of a small microchip that houses an even smaller vacuum tube made up of thousands of individual “pillars.” Researchers can accelerate electrons by firing mini laser beams at these pillars.

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