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10 of the strangest hybrid animals

Animals occasionally mate with members of another species, and nature occasionally endorses the match with a hybrid. Humans have taken advantage of hybridization to create striking oddities for centuries, mostly for the purposes of entertainment. And while these animals are often unhealthy and irrelevant to conservation efforts, hybridization is a natural phenomenon.

Species have been hybridizing all over the world throughout evolutionary history, and researchers regularly add new ones to the scientific record. From pizzly bears to wolphins, here are 10 of the strangest animal hybrids.

Borneo’s ‘mystery monkey’

 Borneo’s hybrid “mystery monkey” sits with an infant. (Image credit: Nicole Lee)

A “mystery monkey” spotted in Borneo turned out to be a cross between a proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) — famous for its long nose — and a silvery langur (Trachypithecus cristatus). The hybrid in Borneo is particularly rare because it came from two distantly related species that aren’t in the same genus.

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