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Earth’s crust swallowed a sea’s worth of water and locked it away beneath Pacific seafloor

Ancient volcanic rocks were eroded and stored a sea’s worth of water in Earth’s crust as they became buried. (Image credit: James O’Neil via Getty Images)

A massive water reservoir is hidden deep beneath the ocean floor off the coast of New Zealand — and it may explain why the region experiences slow-motion earthquakes, scientists have found.

A sea’s worth of water became locked inside volcanic rocks that formed 120 million to 125 million years ago during the early Cretaceous, when a lava plume the size of the U.S. burst through Earth’s crust and solidified into a vast plateau, researchers said in a statement. Thick layers of sediment have since blanketed these rocks and buried any trace of their explosive past 2 miles (3 kilometers) below the Pacific Ocean seabed.

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