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Giant never-before-seen long-necked ‘titan’ dinosaur unearthed in Europe

An artist’s impression of what the newly described species  Garumbatitan morellensis may have looked like. (Image credit: Grup Guix)

A massive, never-before-seen sauropod roamed what is now Spain roughly 122 million years ago, new fossils show. The unusual shape of its bones suggests the newly described “titan” was quite primitive, which could help scientists better understand the evolution of these gigantic, long-necked dinosaurs.

The newly identified species, named Garumbatitan morellensis, was unearthed during excavations at the Sant Antoni de la Vespa fossil site near the city of Morella between 2005 and 2008. Researchers uncovered remains of at least three individuals at the site, including massive vertebrae, lengthy leg bones and two near-complete sets of foot bones, which is an extremely rare find for sauropods. The fossils date back to the early Cretaceous period, (145 million to 66 million years ago).

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