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Simultaneous rupture of faults triggered massive earthquake in Seattle area 1,100 years ago — and it could happen again

The area surrounding what is now Seattle was rocked by a massive earthquake around 1,100 years ago. (Image credit: Getty Images)

The Seattle region may have been hit with a massive, magnitude 7.8 earthquake 1,100 years ago after a series of hidden faults ruptured simultaneously, a new study suggests. That is much more powerful than current warnings suggest is possible from the same fault zones.

Researchers have known for a long time that Puget Sound, an area that contains Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, was rocked by massive quakes in the past. Geological evidence suggests these tremblers rumbled sometime between 900 and 930 A.D. and had magnitudes in the low 7s. The current best guess is that there were at least two major quakes during this time, one resulting from the Seattle Fault Zone (SFZ), located beneath and around the city, and another from the Saddle Mountain Fault Zone (SMFZ) in southwest Washington.

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