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James Webb spots most distant ever ‘Einstein ring’ warped around surprisingly dense galaxy, and it’s perfect

Photos snapped by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed the farthest-ever example of an “Einstein ring.” The record-breaking halo of warped light, which is a whopping 21 billion light-years away, is unusually perfect and surrounds a mysteriously dense galaxy.

An Einstein ring is an extremely rare type of gravitationally lensed object that was first predicted by Albert Einstein‘s theory of relativity. Gravitational lensing occurs when the immense gravity of a massive foreground object, such as a galaxy cluster or a black hole, warps space-time around itself; light emitted by more distant objects, such as galaxies or supernovas, that passes through this warped space-time also appears curved and warped from our perspective on Earth.

The complete Einstein ring, JWST-ER1, is the most distant gravitationally-lensed object ever discovered. (Image credit: NASA/James Webb Space Telescope/van Dokkum et al.)

This effect also magnifies the light of the object being lensed, similar to how a magnifying glass works, allowing astronomers to study distant objects in greater detail than is normally possible. Most gravitationally lensed objects form arcs or partial rings that surround the foreground object. But a true Einstein ring forms a complete circle around the closer entity, which is possible only when the distant object, foreground object and observer are perfectly aligned.

In a new study uploaded Sept. 14 to the preprint server arXiv and accepted for publication in the journal Nature Astronomy, researchers discovered the new eerily circular Einstein ring, named JWST-ER1, within the COSMOS-Web survey, a detailed map of more than 500,000 galaxies captured during a 200-hour continuous JWST observation.

A collection of incomplete and near-perfect Einstein rings photographed by NASA’s Hubble telescope. In order to get a perfect circle, the background object, foreground object and observer must be perfectly aligned. (Image credit: NASA)

JWST-ER1 has two parts: JWST-ER1g, the compact galaxy that acts as the lensing object in the foreground; and JWST-ER1r, the light from a more distant galaxy that forms the luminous ring. JWST-ER1g is located around 17 billion light-years from Earth, while JWST-ER1r is another 4 billion light-years farther away. Until now, the farthest detected lensing object was around 14.7 billion light-years away, according to BigThink.com. (While the age of the universe itself is estimated to be about 13.7 billion years, the universe’s constant expansion means that light from the oldest objects must travel much farther than this to reach our telescopes).

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