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See extremely rare photos of alien-looking ‘7-arm octopus’ spotted near Washington coast

The seven-arm octopus (Haliphron atlanticus) was spotted in shallow water off Tongue Point in Washington state on Sept. 8. (Image credit: Eric Askilsrud)

A diver in Washington has captured stunning photos of a massive, alien-looking octopus in shallow water along the state’s coastline. The rarely seen cephalopod, which spends most of its life in the deep sea, had injuries that suggest it may have been recently attacked by a cookiecutter shark.       

Underwater photographer Eric Askilsrud, who is based in Washington, snapped the pictures on Sept. 8 while diving at Tongue Point in the Salish Sea, near the Canadian border. Askilsrud encountered the octopus in 10-foot-deep (3 meters) water while exploring a kelp canopy. The unusual-looking cephalopod was around 3 feet (0.9 m) long.

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