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Knife blade lodged in a man’s belly mysteriously ‘floated’ to the other side of his body without causing damage

An X-ray revealed that the blade had moved from the right to the left side of a man’s belly after he was stabbed.  (Image credit: Nepal, A, Rajbhandari A P., et al. (2023). doi:10.7759/cureus.44575 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/))

A man got stitched up after being stabbed with a knife — but the next day, he learned that the nearly half-foot blade was still in his belly.

The man in Nepal had been stabbed in the upper-right abdomen during a fight, which he poorly remembered due to being drunk. After the stabbing, the 22-year-old was taken to a “local medical shop,” where a health care worker apparently closed up his wound without checking if any part of it was still stuck in his belly and sent him on his way, according to a case report published Sept. 2 in the journal Cureus

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