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15 incredible images of Earth’s moon

Earth and the moon have shared an intimate bond for at least 4.5 billion years, making the two bodies one of the most successful power couples in our planet’s history. You can see the moon with the naked eye on most nights as it slowly transforms from a slim crescent to a shimmering circle, depending on the current moon phase. But for the best view, we turn to spacecrafts, telescopes and satellites that have labored for decades to capture the visual wonder of our planet’s companion. 

Here are 15 of our all-time favorite images of the moon.

1. ‘Earthrise’ from the moon

(Image credit: KARI)

A view of Earth from the moon as it rises above the moon’s surface, taken by South Korea’s Danuri spacecraft in Nov. 2022.

2. A crater in close-up

(Image credit: Raytheon Technologies.)

A close-up of the Tycho Crater, a large impact crater located on the south end of the moon. Captured with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, this is one of the highest-resolution images of the lunar surface ever taken from Earth.

3. Tipsy planet mid-eclipse

(Image credit: ispace)

The moon casts a shadow over Australia during a total solar eclipse, as the Earth rises over the moon’s horizon. Days before Japan’s Hakuto-R lunar lander  crashed into the moon’s surface on  April 25, 2023, it snapped this gorgeous picture of our planet.

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