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Watch drone delve into Siberia’s growing ‘gateway to the underworld,’ the largest permafrost depression in the world

A massive crater in Siberia dubbed the “gateway to the underworld” by locals is continuing to grow larger, new drone footage reveals.

The footage, which was released on July 12, offers viewers a bird’s-eye view of the Batagay (also spelled Bagatayka and Batagaika) crater, considered to be the largest permafrost depression in the world, according to Ruptly.tv.

Covering approximately 0.3 square miles (0.8 square kilometers) — equivalent to the area of about 145 football fields — the deep scar cutting through the east Siberian woodlands was likely triggered by deforestation during the 1940s. This led to erosion, which then exacerbated seasonal melting of the permafrost and created a “megaslump,” or the massive crater in the ground. Because the permafrost in this region is comprised of 80% ice, the large amounts of melting forced sediment on the hillside to collapse, revealing what looks like a giant gash slashing through the landscape in Russia’s Sakha Republic.

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