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30 amazing reconstructions of long-dead people

People from the past have left behind a treasure trove of clues about their lives — from enormous monuments to fragments of personal items, as well as the bones of the people themselves. But the people who left these clues are often a mystery. Now, thanks to modern scientific techniques and technology, researchers can accurately reconstruct what those people actually looked like, helping to bring long-dead people from history back to life. 

Here, we take a look at some of the best reconstructions.

1. Czech Republic Stone Age woman

A digital approximation of what the Stone Age woman may have looked like. (Image credit: Cicero Moraes/Jiri Sindelar/Karel Drbal)

Initially incorrectly identified as male, a skull found buried inside a cave in Mladeč in the Czech Republic turned out to belong to a 17-year-old female from the Stone Age, who lived around 31,000 years ago. Researchers believe she lived during part of the upper Paleolithic period known as the Aurignacian, and she is one of the oldest Homo sapiens found in Europe.

2. Bronze Age woman from Spain

The digital facial reconstruction of the Bronze Age woman wearing the diadem.

The digital facial reconstruction of the Bronze Age woman wearing a diadem. (Image credit: Copyright Joana Bruno/ASOME/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Archaeologists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona discovered the remains of a man and woman from the Bronze Age, who were buried together in a ceramic pot at the La Almoloya site. A scientific illustrator created a digital reconstruction of the woman using the woman’s partial skull and jewelry — in particular a diadem (silver crown) to figure out her head measurements.

3. Stone Age woman found in Sweden

Oscar Nilsson , a forensic artist based in Sweden, spent 350 hours reconstructing the Stone Age woman's likeness.

It is believed that this Neolithic woman lived in what is now Sweden about 4,000 years ago. (Image credit: Oscar Nilsson )

The skeletal remains of this Neolithic woman in her late 20s were found during the construction of a road in Lagmansören, Sweden. A forensic artist spent over 350 hours creating her likeness, basing the reconstruction on the scanned skull and on what we know about migration into ancient Scandinavia.

4. Bronze Age Bohemia

Accurate anthropological reconstruction of the image of a woman from the grave No. 2, which was discovered in Mikulovice near Pardubice, Czech Republic. This woman has light skin, brown hair and brown, wide-set eyes, a distinctive chin, a smaller figure, adorned with bronze and gold jewelry and a beautiful amber necklace.

Using a skull and remnants of DNA, it was possible to create the face of a woman who lived in central Europe nearly 4,000 years ago. (Image credit: archiv MZM)

The bones of this Bronze Age woman, believed to have lived between 1880 B.C. and 1750 B.C., were found in a graveyard near the village of Mikulovice in Bohemia, the Czech Republic. This wealthy woman was part of the Únětice culture,  known for their metal artifacts, so it was unsurprising that she was found buried with five bronze bracelets, two gold earrings and a three-strand necklace of more than 400 amber beads.

5. Penang woman from the New Stone Age

The final reconstruction of the Penang woman.

Archaeologists from the Universiti Sains Malaysia dubbed her the ‘Penang woman.’ (Image credit: Universiti Sains Malaysia/Cicero Moraes)

Using a combination of 3D imagery of modern-day Malaysians and CT (computed tomography) scans, researchers created a virtual face approximation of this 40-year-old woman who lived during the Neolithic period, or New Stone Age. Discovered during a dig at the Neolithic site Guar Kepah in Penang, northwest Malaysia, radiocarbon dating of shells found by the remains of the “Penang woman” suggests she lived about 5,700 years ago.

6. Medieval Scottish woman

A facial reconstruction of a woman from medieval Scotland.

The facial reconstruction of a woman from medieval Scotland, made using computers. (Image credit: Chris Rynn)

Thanks to modern-day forensic science and technology, researchers were able to glimpse into life in medieval Scotland by creating a reconstruction of this medieval woman, who was one of three skeletons found in a medieval crypt in Scotland. Chris Rynn, the forensic craniofacial anthropologist who made this lifelike facial reconstruction, said that this was “the most symmetrical skull” they had ever worked on.

7. Medieval Scottish priest and bishop

The facial reconstructions of two men.

3D technology was used to create the facial reconstructions of a priest (left) and a bishop (right). (Image credit: Chris Rynn)

The remains of these two men were found in the same medieval crypt in Scotland as the previous woman. Starting with a 3D scan of each skull, Rynn made these incredible lifelike facial reconstructions of this priest and bishop, right down to the cleft lip and palate of the priest.

8. Young Neanderthal man

A facial reconstruction of a Neanderthal who lived in Doggerland between 70,000 and 50,000 years ago.

Dubbed “Krijn,” the facial reconstruction of this Neanderthal was created using just a piece of skull. (Image credit: RMO)

Around 70,000 years ago this young Neanderthal man roamed an area known as Doggerland, off the coast of the Netherlands. Using just a piece of skull found at the bottom of the North Sea, a paleo-anthropological artist was able to conjure up this bust of “Krijn,” right down to the tumor above his right eyebrow.

9. Three ancient Egyptians

Forensic reconstruction of the mummies JK2911, JK2134 and JK2888.

Using DNA data extracted from their remains, digital reconstructions were created to depict these men at the age of 25. (Image credit: Parabon NanoLabs)

The faces of three men who lived more than 2,000 years ago in the ancient Egyptian city of Abusir el-Meleq are brought back to life in this reconstruction. DNA data was extracted from their mummies and used in a process called forensic DNA phenotyping, which uses genetic analysis to predict the shape of facial features and other aspects of a person’s physical appearance. This information helped scientists reconstruct the three men at age 25.

10. King Tut’s father revealed

The reconstruction of KV 55, thought to be the pharaoh Akhenaten.

The reconstruction of KV 55, thought to be the pharaoh Akhenaten. (Image credit: FAPAB Research Center)

This is the face of a pharaoh — possibly Akhenaten, King Tut’s father, who reigned from 1353 B.C. to 1335 B.C. Adornments such as hair or jewelry have been purposely omitted in order to focus on the individual’s facial traits. The reconstruction is based on mummified remains found in the Valley of the Kings.

11. Stone Age man on a spike

In this reconstruction, the Mesolithic man, who died in his 50s, wears a wild boar skin.

This bust is decked out in boar skin, inspired by the jawbones of wild animals found nearby. (Image credit: Oscar Nilsson)

The skull of this Mesolithic man, who died 8,000 years ago when he was in his 50s, was found impaled on a stake at the bottom of a small lake in what is now Motala, a municipality in eastern-central Sweden. Although this man was found without his jaw, a forensic artist was able to reconstruct this by taking measurements from the rest of the skull.

12. 18th-century ‘vampire’

A side-by-side comparison of a facial reconstruction of a vampire and his skeleton.

Locals thought this man might be a vampire. (Image credit: Parabon Nanolabs, Virginia Commonwealth University)

Buried in Griswold, Connecticut, in the late 18th century, the remains of this 55-year-old man were found with his femur bones crossed over the chest — a sign indicating that locals thought this man was a vampire. Historically, people believed that those who died of tuberculosis, like this man, were vampires, but as you can see, no fangs here.

13. 18-year-old Avgi from Greece

Swedish sculptor Oscar Nilsson reconstructed the face of an 18-year-old woman, dubbed Avgi, whose 9,000-year-old bones were found in a cave in central Greece.

Swedish sculptor Oscar Nilsson reconstructed the face of an 18-year-old woman, dubbed Avgi, by applying clay muscles and silicone “skin” to a plastic 3D-printed skull based on scans of the original, 9,000-year-old bones. (Image credit: Oscar Nilsson)

Swedish sculptor Oscar Nilsson spent around 220 hours meticulously recreating each individual muscle of Avgi’s face. Not much is known about 18-year-old Avgi’s life, just that her bones were found in a cave in central Greece and are around 9,000 years old.

14. Young Egyptian child

The young boy's "mummy portrait" next to the newly created 3D facial reconstruction.

The 3D facial reconstruction of the boy side by side with his “mummy portrait.” (Image credit: Nerlich AG, et al. PLOS One (2020); CC BY 4.0)

Scientists in Austria and Germany wanted to find out how accurate  “mummy portraits” — images of people affixed to the front of their mummies — really were, so the researchers CT-scanned a boy’s mummy, which was found in a cemetery close to the pyramid of Hawara, southwest of Cairo, Egypt. Using this information, and analyzing previous X-rays, they discovered that the 3D digital image they created looked almost exactly like the painting, with the only difference being that the boy who lived between 50 B.C. to A.D. 100 looked slightly older in his portrait. Mummy portraits were a popular tradition among some Egyptians in Greco-Roman times, from about the first through the third centuries A.D.

15. Ancient ‘Shaman’ woman

In the seated woman's burial, she wore a short cape made of feathers, a slate necklace and a belt made of 130 animal teeth.

In the seated woman’s burial, she wore a short cape made of feathers, a slate necklace and a belt made of 130 animal teeth. (Image credit: Gert Germeraad/Trelleborgs Museum)

Found among other burials dating from 5,500 B.C. to 4,600 B.C., this hunter-gatherer woman was buried upright in a grave at Skateholm, an archaeological site on the south coast of Sweden. Sitting on a “throne” of deer antlers, the woman, who was 30 to 40 years old, was richly adorned and is thought to have been an important person.

16. Neanderthal woman from Gibraltar

The Neanderthal woman's remains were found in Gibraltar.

The Neanderthal woman’s remains were found in Gibraltar.  (Image credit: Royal Pavilion & Museums; Brighton & Hove)

This hyper-realistic portrayal gives us a glimpse 40,000 years into the past. Here we see the face of a young Neanderthal woman, who was an early human inhabitant of Gibraltar. The 20-year-old woman was buried with a tiny baby resting on her chest, a sad clue that she likely died in childbirth during the Neolithic.

17. Whitehawk woman

The Whitehawk woman was buried with several lucky charms.

The Whitehawk woman was buried with several lucky charms. (Image credit: Royal Pavilion & Museums; Brighton & Hove)

Named after Whitehawk in England, where she was found, Whitehawk woman lived about 5,500 years ago and appears to have died during childbirth. Standing  4 feet 9 inches (1.45 meters) tall, she was short, even for a Neolithic woman. She was buried with lucky charms believed to ward off evil.

18. Ötzi the Iceman

Iceman Ötzi reconstruction

Iceman Ötzi was found in the Alps. (Image credit: © South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Foto Ochsenreiter)

Ötzi the Iceman was discovered by hikers in the Ötztal Alps along the Austrian-Italian border. He lived sometime between 3350 and 3100 B.C. and died when he was around age 46 — a long life for a man in the Copper Age. The finished facial reconstruction shows a man with a long nose, deep-set eyes, and weathered skin and hair.

19. King Henry VII

Henry VII's death mask showed a clean-shaven face, but he may have worn a beard in life, as shown in the new reconstruction.

A highly detailed digital reconstruction of the face of England’s King Henry VII. (Image credit: Courtesy of Matt Loughrey/mycolorfulpast.com)

Thanks to photogrammetry, graphic artist Matt Loughrey was able to produce an astonishingly photorealistic reconstruction of England’s King Henry VII, who died on April 21, 1509. Using the king’s death mask — a wax mask from 1509 that preserved the likeness of the king — Loughrey brought this ruler’s face back to life.

20. Hilda the Druid

This digital creation shows what Hilda may have looked like during her lifetime in the Iron Age.

In a time where most women only made it to their early 30s, “Hilda” lived to be in her 60s. (Image credit: University of Dundee)

One of Scotland’s oldest known Druids, “Hilda” lived during the Iron Age and is thought to have died sometime between 55 B.C. and 400 A.D. Her toothless skull and remains were found off the northern coast of Scotland at Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis. This reconstruction is a wax re-creation of her face, showcasing gnarled wrinkles and a seemingly intense determination.

21. Bodies in the bog

A facial reconstruction of one of the Cramond

A facial reconstruction of one of the “bodies in the bog” in Cramond, Scotland. (Image credit: Hayley Fisher)

Buried alongside eight other adults and five infants — now referred to as the “bodies in the bog” — this unfortunate medieval wanderer ended up in a mass grave in a former Roman-era latrine in Cramond, Scotland. Researchers used isotope analysis on the bones and teeth of the skeletons to discover that several of the individuals had traveled from far-flung corners of Scotland. Research also showed that several of the people had died violent deaths.

22. Blair Atholl Man

A medieval man who lived in Scotland, dubbed Blair Atholl Man, wasn't a local to the central Scottish Highlands, chemical analyses reveal.

The Blair Atholl Man died at the age of 45. (Image credit: Christopher Rynn and Hayley Fisher)

Named the Blair Atholl Man because his remains were discovered near Blair Atholl in the Scottish Highlands, this medieval man lived around 1,600 years ago, between A.D. 400 and 600. However, recent research found he was not actually local to the area. Chemical analysis revealed that he had elevated sulfur isotope ratios, which led researchers to believe he spent the majority of his later life elsewhere, near a coastal location, so was likely a newcomer to the location where he died.

23. King Richard III

Facial reconstruction of King Richard III

Facial reconstruction of King Richard III. (Image credit: Copyright Richard III Society)

Unlike William Shakespeare’s portrayal of King Richard III as a sneering villain, this reconstruction of the monarch shows a much kinder face, although of course it’s not possible to tell someone’s character just by their looks. King Richard III’s bones were unearthed beneath a parking lot in Leicester, England. Archaeological evidence suggests that after his death in 1485, his body was beaten before a hasty burial.

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