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This bizarre little succulent looks like a baby’s butt

Baby’s bum (Gibbaeum heathii) is a clump-forming succulent that is native to a small region of South Africa.  (Image credit: Alamy)

A small succulent that grows in a huge valley surrounded by mountains in South Africa is often the butt of people’s jokes. But why is this cheeky little plant, standing just 2.4 inches (6 centimeters) high, so amusing? A clue might be in its name: bababoutjies — which translates to baby’s bum. 

Baby’s bum (Gibbaeum heathii) is a clump-forming succulent that grows two to three smooth globe-shaped leaves, with older leaves protecting the new growth, persisting at the base and covering the stems. Flowers grow through the center in late winter and early spring, with colors varying from white and pink to yellow. 

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